A beautiful day.. and some worn out boys

Gosh I love warm weather.  Now, remind me of this statement in July when I am sweating into a miserable puddle.. but after the ice, snow, etc.. and WAY TOO MANY days of kids and no school.. yesterday and today were gifts from above.  My children are happier people when they play outside.  Their mama is a happier mama when they play outside.  

Stopped at Dollar Tree this morning to stock up on sidewalk chalk.  Wouldn’t you know it isn’t out yet?  I mean it is February.  Not really “traditional” sidewalk chalk time of the year.  Crossed the street to CVS and dropped FIVE DOLLARS on 16 pieces of Crayola chalk.  Seriously.  Five dollars?  Maybe I’m cheap but man that seemed like a lot.  Well it was all well worth it when my sweet babies spent the majority of the day making these lovely creations (and perhaps a few of them were contributed by my art challenged self). 


Walked to our newly refurbished neighborhood park.  Spent an hour playing spotter while William did everything his big brothers did.  Seesaw, swings, slides, climbers, sand.. they played hard for an hour.  


Now they are all asleep.

Can’t wait for Spring.  

So, what’s the plan Stan?

I told you bits and pieces about my get healthy plan in my other posts but I will detail exactly what I am doing here.  Now, my entire blog will not be focused on losing weight, or cooking, or any one thing in particular.  However, this is keeping me pretty busy right now so it is what’s on my mind.  I’m sure I will have plenty of posts about my crazy children and surviving marital bliss.. but that’s for another week.  🙂

Here is what I have done so far:

1- Downloaded calorie counting app “Lose It.” – it had me input my height, weight, age, weight loss goal and how fast I wanted to lose it (meaning 1 lb per week, 1.5lbs, or 2 lbs).  I chose 1.5 lbs per week.  Seemed reasonable and challenging.  It assigned me a calorie target and I began logging my food every day.  I’m sure there are a million apps like this.. I honestly chose this one because it looked user friendly and well.. it was free.  I love how it has a barcode scanner and how you can go back and add things from other days that you repeat (like my overly calorie rich morning coffee that I refuse to give up.. but I digress).  App is working well for me so far.. no complaints.

2- Eat at home.- I detailed this in my last post, but I have really focused on cooking at home, mixing things up, using fresh ingredients, buying good foods for our home, etc.. Pretty obvious.  I will say that one of the best changes in this area is that I enjoy eating out here and there and it has become more of a treat.  Hubby and I have tried really hard to not fall into the take out trap.  For example, last night I didn’t have a meal planned as we were supposed to be out of town.  We talked about pizza.. etc.. and finally decided to make grits, pancakes, eggs, etc.. because we had that in the cabinet.  I made myself a feta and tomato omelet.  It was filling and already paid for.  🙂  I can say that I don’t know if we are really saving any money at this point, but I have not been bargain shopping.  That will have to come later when I have a larger repertoire of recipes to choose from.  

3- Exercise- Yes, that dreaded word.  That thing we feel great about after, but hate doing.. I’ve strapped my running shoes back on and have managed to run a few times per week the last few weeks.  I joined the Y last October but have just now really started utilizing it.  I busted out my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video.  Whatever I can force myself to do.  This is my more challenging category.  Food, I can do.  I have to eat anyways.  Exercise.. it is easy to just not do.  But I’m really trying.  I’ve pounded out 3 miles once, but mostly sticking around 2.  I’m pretty sure I see snails pass me by, but hey I’m out there doing it.

4- Accountability- I have a few friends/family members who check in on me “Hey, are you still working out? Eating well?” and an accountability partner who I climb on the scale in front of here and there.  Nothing like a friend seeing how much you weigh to light a little fire under your fanny.

And that’s pretty much it.  My hubby has been super supportive.  My life has not come to a screeching halt.  I save my calories for my morning java and my nightly pinot noir.  (Priorities right??)  I’ve learned to live on less and for the most part I’ve stuck to it.  Today I have been working towards my goal of losing 22lbs for 6 1/2 weeks and I am very proud to say I’ve lost 12!  10 pounds to go.. and I’m sure these suckers will be the hardest.  I have packed away a few pairs of pants that are not too big and broken 3 pairs out that I couldn’t pull on when the cool weather started.  I think that is the best feeling.. 

So there you have it.. 


Change number 1.. time for mom to step up and cook

I keep waiting on someone in my house to love the “art” of cooking.  Children? Dogs? Penn? Anyone but me?  Like many families we found ourselves in ruts where it was just easier to eat out.. and by eat out I mean get take out and bring it home.  Who actually likes eating out with three kids??  Kidding.  I would look around the kitchen and say “I haven’t been to the store yet.  There is nothing to cook.” Or, the most common scenario, I would thaw out meat, set the ingredients on the counter and then littlest boy would crawl up and down my legs, crying to be held.  I would throw my hands in the air and order take out.

So, fast forward to January and my new outlook.  Time to put on my big girl panties and cook for my family.  I started planning my weekly meals on the weekend.  I try to do the grocery shopping then too while hubby is home, but if not I drag along middle and little on Mondays.  But the biggest key to my change has been prepping my meals.  I have found I can do so much in the afternoons to make dinner a piece of cake.  Sometimes, I will make the whole meal, put it in a dish and stick it in the fridge.  Pop it in the oven around 5:30 and voila!  Is this a fool proof plan? Not at all.  But, it’s an improvement for sure.

I made Crescent chicken for dinner last night (will share that recipe another time), but I had a good bit of leftover shredded boneless, skinless chicken so I decided to consult my pal Pinterest and make some chicken salad.  Threw this together (minus the tomatoes and olives) and it was delicious for lunch (and only around 250 calories).

I have no idea how to send you back to her blog or prove I gave her credit.. hey I’m new at this! But here’s the recipe.


Here’s one promise I can make you. I am not cleaning my kitchen to take a picture of food.. and most of the time it will be taken with my cell phone.  You’ll deal.

The finished product, my version of a pita wrap and a giant Costco size container of feta with some fresh spinach leaves




A New Year’s Goal (cause resolution is so last year)

I’ve had 3 babies.. carried them in my body and delivered them healthy (read big) and pink.  That takes a toll on a body.  I’m sure there are women out there who bounce right back without a trace but, well, I didn’t.  I didn’t start my first pregnancy at what you would call an ideal weight.  Now, I wasn’t over weight per say, but not ideal either.  This amazing thing happened… me who gains weight from eating pizza for dinner didn’t blow up like the good year blimp when pregnant.  Evidently part of growing these “healthy” babies is they suck the life out of me and I don’t gain too much weight.  Nice right?  Sort of lifes way of giving me a pass from the yo-yo weight changes of my life since adolescence.  But, small gain or large gain, my body has changed.  I don’t regret it.. most of the time I embrace it.  But I looked in the eyes of that sweet 17 month old I had at the end of the year and thought enough is enough.  Time to work on ME!  So I made a goal for Jan. 2.  I called up a friend and said let’s do this together.  I downloaded my calorie counting app and my run keeper app and told January 2 (cause who starts a change on the 1st when recovering from NYE?) to bring. it. on.

And I have. I’ve stuck with it.  I’m cooking my normal meals, just learning to eat less.  I’m making exercise part of my life.  I’m trying to fuel my body, make it strong, set a good example.. all that good stuff.  But let’s be real, I’m also trying to not look like a can of busted biscuits in my jeans.  

Should I or shouldn’t I?

I’ve been mulling this blog around in my head for a few weeks.  Should I do it? Should I not? Who wants to read what I have to say?  I started the obligatory blog after my first son was born.  Naturally that fizzled out.. so why now?  Well this year for the first time in my life (well, my working life since the babysitting and toy store days of age 15) I have no “job.” Let me be clear.. by no job, I mean no paying with a check, W2 in the mail type job.  I work all day long.. and my bosses can be quite unforgiving.  🙂  But, at the end of the day I tuck my 3 little monkeys into their beds and I know that what I am doing is the right job for us.  It works.. and for now that is enough.
