A super hard post to write..

I have spent a great deal of time trying to decide whether or not I wanted to write this post.  I just feels too personal and private to put out into the blog world.  But, after scouring the internet looking for stories that were similar to mine I decided that sharing my experience and frustrations could be more helpful to others than keeping it private was helpful to me.  So here it is..

Many of you know that I started this autoimmune diet/therapy as a result of my Hashimoto’s diagnosis last summer.  However, what few know is the reason that I was motivated to look past the”I will just take this pill and be fine” option.  In September, Penn and I found out that we were expecting our 4th child.  We were very excited (we had always planned to have 4) and naturally a little nervous.  We were in the middle of construction on our home and were about to move out into my parents vacant house, we had 3 energy filled boys keeping us on our toes, and I had never been pregnant with my thyroid condition before.  I immediately contacted my OBGYN and internist to let them know I was pregnant and they went ahead and tested my TSH to check levels.  It had jumped up a little to 2.04 so they upped my dose of meds and planned to continue monitoring my levels every 4 weeks to be safe.  I felt good.  Of course I was nauseated, tired, and all that but those things made me feel better in a weird way because it meant everything was okay!  I had an early ultrasound at a little past 6 weeks and saw a little bean with a heartbeat.  It measured slightly behind (a day or 2) and the heartbeat was a bit slower (supposedly because it was early).  I was told they would do another ultrasound in a few weeks.  At 7 1/2 weeks I started spotting.  I had never in my 3 previous pregnancies spotted before so that Saturday I went to the ER to learn that I had lost the baby.  I realize I am a very blessed person to have had 3 easy conceptions, pregnancies and deliveries with no worries or losses, but this was completely new to me.  Of course I was sad.  Of course I was a little angry/frustrated.  Why did that baby not make it?  The doctors all told me that it was probably a fluke thing… many pregnancies end in miscarriage for no apparent reason.  But somehow in my gut I knew that my thyroid disease was to blame.  I decided at that point that I was not okay with just taking a pill.  I wanted to heal my body!

Fast forward to now.  I have been dairy, gluten, and caffeine (and mostly alcohol) free for 2 1/2 months.  We had not planned to try again for a baby until I got the all clear from  my nutritionist.  Life, however, had other plans and I found out Sunday a week ago that I was pregnant again.  I immediately made calls, but had an uneasy feeling. This pregnancy was even shorter.  I miscarried at a little over 5 weeks.

Penn and I are not sure what our plans are at this point.  I am going to continue on my diet plan, keep taking my supplements, and what not.  I am going to keep on the path to healing because that is what is best for my body.  As far as babies go.. I don’t know.  I don’t know if we will try again.  I just don’t know.  I am sure there are people out there who would say “You have 3 healthy children.. more than many can have at all and you should just be thankful.”  My answer to them is of course I am thankful!  I am thankful every day for them and if this experience has taught me nothing else it is that babies are a miracle!  If I have all that I will have.. thank you God.  But for now we will keep eating well, keep soaking in the sunshine, and keep counting our blessings.

4 thoughts on “A super hard post to write..”

  1. Oh, Christie and Penn. I’m so sorry to read this news, yet I’m uplifted because you SOUND somewhat uplifted. Having never experienced a miscarriage, that is one thing about which I can’t completely “relate.” Yet, I DO know that God “has this.” His will shall be done…on that you can depend. Hugs and blessings to you all.

  2. I am so sorry, Christy. These are terrible losses- part of the pain and sadness in a fallen world. Praying your longings will be fulfilled.

    “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Prov. 13:12

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